I am trying to create a rotating skybox in my map and can’t seem to find good straight forward information as how to do this in UE 4.10.2 / 4.11.0
My map is on an asteroid tumbling through space and just simply need the skybox to rotate on an axis.
Can someone please point me to a tutorial that will accomplish this? Thank you!
I would suggest creating a blueprint from your skybox, make sure it is set to movable, and then in the event graph add a rotating movement component, you can use this to set the rate of rotation. You may find you get better results using a skysphere/dome.
Just add the component and set the desired rotation, done, the rest is just fancy stuff you don’t need nor want.
If you’re using the default UE4 Skysphere BP you have to make the actual sphere mesh the root component, not the dummy sphere component which is the root by default(It won’t work for some reason.).
Besides that, you can simply delete the sphere component as it has no effect on the skysphere(I didn’t notice any at least.)
Huston we have a problem. The mesh rotates but the texture doesn’t. Is there a way to lock the material to the mesh so that when the mesh rotates the skybox material rotates with it?
The problem is the ReflectionVectorWS which is in world space I assume? What you want is local space so the texture follows the actual mesh rotation and not the world rotation.
Just hook up a transform node between the ReflectionVectorWS and the TextureCubeParameter like this:
Hummm. I can’t find TransformVector ‘world space to local space’, only ‘tangent space to world space’. That mangles the texture. It makes it streak and warp.
Any ideas?