How to create reload weapon animation?

I am very new to unreal engine 4 and I am trying to figure out how to make a working reload weapon animation and how to do the blueprint part.

I want basically the character to grab a hold of the magazine and then put it back in to the weapon (normal reload animation), so I want basically the character to have one animation where it grabs the magazine and one weapon animation where the magazine goes away. I guess I have to make two seperate animations but how would I go about doing that, have done a few searches on Google and YouTube for a tutorial regarding this but I have not found a single one.

I am also wondering how I can change the position of an imported gun into the Shooter Demo for example, the gun is seated in a very odd position. Is there an easy way to move the gun so it fits togheter with the hands in the FPS demo?

Help is very much appreciated!

I have the exact same question, I have the weapon animation where the magazine goes away and where it goes back as well as a player animation to grab it and throw it away and replace…

But how would I go about syncing the hands to the magazine so that even when I’m moving it would still align and wouldn’t just grab mid air ?

Question: how to make the hands and magazine actually sync up

Ok so i read somewhere that you should make the animations side by side and actually toggle visibility of the magazine and spawn the magazine therefore in the hands of the character, not sure how to do this but definitely planning soon.

I’m afraid I haven’t got time to write a full, in depth answer right now (and it would take me a little while to do so, as it’s been months since I last had to do this kind of animation work!), but you aught to look into sockets.

Sockets will allow you to spawn/attach an actor - such as a magazine - to your skeleton, which will then be manipulated via forward kinematics as though it was part of the rig.

You add and manipulate sockets to your skeleton in engine.

This isn’t the most exciting video, but it does demonstrate what I’m talking about: WeaponComponent Update2: How to add weapon and ammo pickup (For UE4.14) - YouTube

The useful information is spread throughout the video, but I would recommend just watching the whole thing to give you some ideas.

This is tutorial is the best.

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