How to: Create PsuedoRandom Code Generator

Background: I am working on a project that will train new hires for my company using a currently under development UE4 game. This project will go along with a training website. in an attempt to try to come up with a way to connect the Website and the game.

Our Idea is to have a number generator algorithm on both the website and the game using the current day of the year (1-365) This number will be displayed on a widget screen at the end of the training signifying that the training was complete. The trainee will then type this same number into the website. and the website will also show a complete.

I have no idea how I am to go about doing this. I am hoping someone would be able to explain to me the best way of going about this or even a good starting point. Any and all feedback is appreciated.

Thank you in advance,

Use the Nth prime number.

You’ll need to add an offset to make it look convincing, say 500. Then just take the next of the 365 prime numbers from a list.

Here’s a list:

Using this list, we could map day 1 to 3581 ( 501 in the list ), day 2 is 3585 etc…

Or to make it more interesting you could append them etc.

This system has the bonus that you can also work backwards from their completion code and know which day the test was taken.