How to create parallel timers


I have a game where I need a button to control balloons. Pressing it once puts a balloon on the characters back that will pop within three seconds. If you press the button twice it needs to put two balloons on the character and then they would both pop with their own three second timers.

How do I create parallel timers? I have tried delay (which ignores calling it again) and set timer by function name (which resets the timer if I call it again). Both of these cause a pop to not happen because I cannot having both of the balloons (and hopefully many balloons all at once eventually) running their own three second timer countdowns.

Does anyone know how to have separate countdowns happening simultaneously while calling the same function every time someone adds a balloon?



You make the balloon a blueprint. One of it’s parameters is the length of time it can exist before popping. Then all you have to do is put one on the player’s back and set the parameter to 2, say, and 3 for the other.


how would I attach the balloon dynamically from the player blueprint? Would I need to make a custom component?