How to create map selection and car selection?

Hi, I’m trying to make a map selection where it gives a user list of maps and upon pressing a SELECT BUTTON the game will go to the next widget CAR SELECTION and after the user select the chosen CAR and MAP. It load the user’s chosen MAP and CAR. Is there a way to do this in blueprint scripting?

Sorry for the bad UI, I made it just for example.

This is pretty simple to set up in blueprints. You can use game instance to store the selected level name and selected car and then when you click play use open level and the saved name to load the level and you can spawn the selected car and possess it when the level loads.

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Is it okay to you to send me a sample blueprint of that?

This would be how you would do it in general. Of course this could be done way better and more efficient, but the idea is to save players selection somewhere, then open the level when he clicks play and then when the new level starts, you can use one of the game mode blueprints or even level blueprint to retrieve from game instance the vehicle name or class and the spawn and possess the newly created car.

Sorry forgot to attach the image.

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Thank you man this solved my problem. Thanks a lot

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Can you send it the blueprint of that custom events? I think I’m missing something

Sorry, I don’t have it anymore. I used an empty project and deleted it afterwards.

bro can you please send the full blueprint code , it will be very helpful