Hello! Can someone help me to make manual transmission for my car? I have a nice idea for a game, but I’m new to UE4 and can’t navigate that easy.
Have you checked the vehicle template? It comes with transmission setup already.
I haven’t checked it. I went straight to the vehicle advanced one, but there the transmission is automatic and I don’t know how to make it be manual, and also I don’t know how to put rpm and other driving simulation stuff.
I haven’t checked it. I went straight
to the vehicle advanced one, but there
the transmission is automatic and I
don’t know how to make it be manual,
and also I don’t know how to put rpm
and other driving simulation stuff.
It’s all governed by the vehicle movement component:
Auto | Manual transmission is here, too. You can’t get it to work?
Haven’t done anything serious with the advanced vehicle template but his seems to work: (in the vehicle BP)
You can, of course, set up proper mapping in the project settings.
Whoa! Thanks man! Only one last question (if I don’t find any other issues). Where can I see and change the gear shift buttons?
Works pretty good, but I actually have another bug. When I’m in whichever gear (except Neutral) either I press up arrow or down arrow throttle is applied instead of throttle=up arrow and brake=down arrow
The throttle controls are in the vehicle blueprint, you’re free to wire them up the way you need.
Are you saying that braking accelerates?