Hello. I’m trying to create randomized eyes movement for character’s idle stance, but I have one limitatation - character’s eyes aren’t spheres - it looks more like lenses with anime eyes texture.
So I decided to use that way:
create material with u/v parameters
create dynamic material instance
set scalar parameter value for u/v values in character’s BP
and now I’ve got a problem. What to do next? I can set eyes position, but I can’t randomize it and make it smooth, because I can’t pass value to timeline (as I know). For now I just created this:
Hi, you need to open the timeline (double click on it) to create a float curve and set the timeline to loop. Then you can use the curve value to drive your animation.
Basically I have a curve that goes from 0 to 1 over 5 sec. This value is randomized but since it happens each frame there is the interp node to smooth it out. The values on the random node could be min 0.9 and max 1.1 for example, it would deviate the timeline curve by 10 %.
There are also these nodes “perlin noise 1d” and “pulsating value” that you can play with.
Playing with theses nodes, values and the curve shape you can have many random behaviors.
Ok you did exactly what I did with the curve then
So my first attempt was the good one, you can play with the interp speed, change will be more direct, less smooth with a higher speed.
You don’t even need curve and can use a target variable :