how to create download button on image ??

Hello everyone, I want to place a UI button (download) on my images in the gallery option, and by clicking on that button I want to download or save those images on my client’s PC also…
Is this possible to apply ???
I have tried the other way as by taking the screenshot but it is not capturing the widget images and only taking screenshots of the world space view…
Any help will be appreciated

If you’re trying to save an image or a screenshot, to my knowledge there is no way to do that with blueprints natively, but there is a library called Rama’s Extra Blueprint nodes that has some functionality for saving files like images. You can maybe check that out:

@mmmmGoodDinner my screenshots are saving but as u see the widget image that I have uploaded is not showing…
so this plugin can help me out ok, I will check this out then. Thank you

Oh I see. You can also try this then:

thank you @mmmmGoodDinner taking screenshots with ui helps me
thanks a lot