How to create custom content packs?

There wasn’t a good category to put this in, so my apologies if it’s in the wrong category.

As the title says, is there a way to create custom content packs similar to Starter Content?
This would be useful for me, as I have a library of materials and textures that I want to use for all of my projects, but copying and pasting a directory from one content folder to another feels janky. The same goes for migrating the folder.

There is a folder in the root of every Unreal installation called FeaturePacks, seemingly containing the metadata necessary to create a new content pack or modify an existing one.
However, these files are .upack files, meaning they cannot simply be edited by using a text editor, because they are binary files.

I’ve created a project template before; the process was simple and the documentation was excellent. Why is creating a content pack so much more difficult in comparison?

Hey @RYRY1002
I created a small guide a while ago for another user:


Thanks a lot! This is exactly what I was looking for.

Hopefully something like this can be added to the Unreal Docs so users don’t have to ask questions like this on the forum.