I have made input key bindings for forward axis movement (W, S, Up and Down arrows, right mouse button). But, I don’t want to continuously hold the key or button to continue the forward movement. I’m thinking about triggering the continuous movement by double-clicking some key. I know how to do the double click. But, I can’t seem to get how to transfer the Add Movement Input node’s input from the Input Axis Move Forward node to something that would give me continuous movement. Someone suggested replacing the Input Axis Move Forward node with Event Tick connected to the Add Movement Input node, which works…But once begun, there’s no way seemingly to stop that motion once started. I want to be able to stop the continuous movement with a single keypress. Anybody have any ideas how to accomplish all this?
On the method tick, you should use: AddMovementInput. If you want to be able to disable it, do a Boolean Check like
bMoveForward can be modified wherever you want
Maybe Add or Substract to that Input, if the user is pressing W or S, so he can accelerate or deccelerate
Thanks Heavy Bullets. Your answer inspired me to think along a different line than I had originally pursued. And it worked. Here’s how I did it:
The Detect_Doubleclick macro was a brilliant piece of code offered up by jfaw in a post to a similar question to mine: How to detect double click in a Blueprint? [How to detect double click in a Blueprint? - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums][2] (go to the bottom of the post to see his macro). The trick to make this work with both the Input Axis Move Forward and the Event Tick was to use gates, opening/closing the Event Tick gate when double/single clicking the input key (either W, or Up arrow, or Right mouse button). Then simultaneously closing/opening the Input Axis Move Forward gate when single/double clicking, respectively. Sounds more complicated than it actually is. Notice that I checked the Start Closed bool on the Event Tick gate because I don’t want it to fire initially.
I hope this is helpful to others. If anyone sees any flaws in the logic, please let me know.
Fuzzy Tom