I have a scene, and aI want put som dead bodies on ground, trunks and stairs. But each body, will have a specific rule. How its be best wayt to achive this? UE4 have build-in tools for this, or I need make this poses inside 3th party tool and import into UE4?
Also, I see a “Record” button inside persona. But I dont find documentation or tutorials about “recording” only the persona series.
Record button is there to record already existing animations.
You can create one “dead” pose animation for your body, manually edit this animation within unreal engine and duplicate several 1 frame animations with different poses. Editing Animation Layers | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation
Than play random animation with blueprint on body spawn.
Another way would be physical simulation like here: watch?v=T_gvrQjsAoQ
Than you need to place your bodies on the map and they will fall randomly or record animation directly from physic asset simulation preview.