How to create an online leaderboard ???

How to create an online scoreboard/leaderboard system in ue5 using blueprints ???

Have a look at this:

but these values will not be stored online for access over the internet ???

Yes they will. They are replicated, thus for “multiplayer”.

Hey there @Sumant_Bag_1992! As Elias mentioned, that tutorial will produce a replicated multiplayer leaderboard for the current match. Were you intending to have global leaderboards? What platform are you publishing to?

Yes, I’m looking for a global leaderboard, and currently targeting windows and other desktop platforms…

I’ve used this one a couple times, though it does say the site connection is not secure. Use at your own risk.

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thank you, will try out this one…

can you please share any tutorial on how to use these ???

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While building a project with this plugin in unreal engine 5.2.1, the build always fails, what’s wrong with this ???

Hey there @Sumant_Bag_1992! It looks like that plugin is updated only as recent as 5.0.3. Since the source is available, you may be able to update it manually however since it seems to call back to a server the developer’s manage via an API so if their service ever goes down, you may have to find a different solution.

How to update it manually ???

Here’s an updated version that works with UE5.3 (12.6 MB)

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can this plugin be used while packaging a project to desktop in unreal engine 5.3.2 ???

I would assume so, It works in editor, haven’t tried packaging.

Working fine now…

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