How to create an animation for a mesh that loops and despawns at a certain point

Double click on the timeline:

No, it’s a ‘hidden function’… Epic easter egg.

As I’m sure you know, once the workings of that function become public, encryption no longer holds any sway…

Exactly! - now you can plug it into the lerp node :slight_smile:

like this?

Looks good, but you need to put a number in the vector that you’re adding on:


Nope. It’s the distance you want the plane to go for, before it despawns. Do 1200 just in X.

Try 1200 to start with, just to get it going. If the plane goes the wrong way, just put the 1200 in a different slot there.

okay, i added the coordinates where i wanted my plane to despawn is that what is supposed to do?

It’s working! They’re just a very long way away ( right? ).

If you have placed them miles in the sky, they will need to be moved by a long way.

How high are they? ( in units )

There you go… :smiley:

yeah, i appreciate your help. Maybe now it will give me a reason to update my plane model.

It looks fine for this sort of thing :slight_smile:

yeah? if i ever get into video game development as a job i’d probably go for the level designer job

so i set the y value to 12000 because it was going the wrong direction and was to slow so this happened Imgur: The magic of the Internet

how eve setting the y value to 12000000 looks so much better, Imgur: The magic of the Internet
but how could i spread them out a bit more?

the purple plane is 50350.0 units in the sky, but the grey ones appear to be much larger

actually the grey planes are larger, maybe because that was the orginal scale, and i scaled down the purple plane. :confused:

If you want them to be more spread out, make the box they’re spawning in wider.

this is pretty much exactly how i wanted it :smiley:
i wonder if its possible to ride in them?