How to setup variable in submenu categories in blueprints?
How can I repeat this submenu (sense) with my classes and variables?
How to setup variable in submenu categories in blueprints?
How can I repeat this submenu (sense) with my classes and variables?
Just create an array variable and make it editable and exposed on spawn. Then you add the elements you want by clicking on the + button
I would like to get exactly the same functionality.
When a class changes, a submenu appears with its unique settings.
your way will not do so
then you have to add and set specific variables for each class you add to the array
But the class settings do not appear as variables in the submenu, they will need to be adjusted directly in the class blueprint.
The example shows that we easily switch between classes and each class has its own set of variables that are passed to this class.
A similar example of a submenu can also be seen in the child actor component.
After a little research, I did not find a way to get the same using only blueprints.
You are either talking about categorizing your variables or if you want it exactly like the senses config, it’s an array of structs based off an enum, senses affiliation is most likely an enum and the color is a struct most likely.
And as stated by , make it editable and exposed on spawn.
in C++
[link text][1]
UCLASS(Blueprintable, abstract, EditInlineNew )
class CPP_TRY_API UuConfig : public UObject
UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "Test")
bool myBool;
class UuConfig;
UCLASS(EditInlineNew, Blueprintable, meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent) )
class CPP_TRY_API UMyObject : public UObject
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Instanced)
TArray<UuConfig*> TestConfigInstanced;
It would seem that in the blueprints this could be done by two checkboxes(EditInlineNew, Instanced), but they are not available. It’s unclear why they were not added?