Hi all!
I have this little menu at the startup of my game, where the player first picks a FB status and then picks a method for releasing anger at this FB status (the methods are technically different levels).
The way I’ve set everything up until now:
I created a Widget BP in which all screens are created.
All FB statuses are buttons.
All methods/levels are buttons.
The ‘back’, ‘next’, ‘get started’ buttons are already basically functional.
So now, what I would like to achieve is:
- The ‘next’ button should be disabled until the player has made a selection in the ‘choosestatus’ screen. The same applies for the ‘choosemethod’ screen, where the ‘lets go’ button is disabled until the player chooses a method and then the button becomes functional.
- Also, whatever status or method is selected must be stored somehow. So when the player chooses status X and then method Z, then clicks ‘lets go’, the button opens up map ‘methodZ’ in which ‘statusX’ can be referenced to.
In case this bit of information may help: the only information the statuses contain are simply the images itself, like a texture of the status that is applied somewhere in the level.
I use UE 4.10
It would be awesome if someone could help with this!
Thanks and cheers