How to create a UFunction with dynamic input and output types?

I’m trying to create a generic “switch” node for blueprints that accepts any 2 inputs and outputs one or the other based on a bool input.

In .h

UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, CustomThunk, meta = (DisplayName = "BSwitch2", Keywords = "Blender Switch2"), Category = "NodesToScript", CustomStructureParam = "True|False", DeterminesOutputType = "True") 
static void BSwitch2(bool Switch, UProperty* True, UProperty* False); 
static void Generated_BSwitch2(bool Switch, UProperty* True, UProperty* False);

This is supposed to make the two inputs “wildcards”.

This breaks “intelliSense” on Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019, so I have no idea if it’s going right or not.

I’m trying to do it like: How to get multiple CustomStructureParam

But, everything after line 42 makes no sense to me. Also, it’s a void, and as far as I can tell doesn’t even use the wildcard variables.

In .cpp

void UMakeBlueprintNodeBPLibrary::BSwitch2(bool Switch, UProperty* True, UProperty* False) {
 if (Switch) { 
return True; 
return False;

I haven’t got the foggiest of what to put in the Declare_function part, nor if I’m even doing any of it correct.