How to create a teleporter (Mesh)

Hi folks

I am trying to create a teleporter by which I created 2 Pillars, placed both in different corner of the world. Then when the player enters in one pillar, end up in other pillar.

I am able to do this by level blueprint but i am trying to have the graphs in the pillars itself so that when other players place the pillars, they could use it to teleport.

  1. How do i scripting in the object’s graph itself
  2. How do i assign ‘Names’ on each pillar to facilitate the teleporting
  3. Can i have a interaction menu by which if there are alot of pillars, i can assigned a destination pillar to the master pillar

Please assist a beginner. I am clueless in this and kinda stump. Tried to read through threads and videos, cant seem to figure i t out.

I have attached the level bluepriting

Thank you for your time.

I think the best way to go about this is to handle both pillars/portals in the same blueprint. If you add both meshes and their collision boxes to the same blueprint and nest them properly, you can drag the child actor around in the world to move the second pillar (relative to the first one). In the Blueprint, you react to both Collision Boxes overlapping and always send the player to the other one.

The disadvantage with this solution is that when the first portal is moved, the second one also changes position relative to it. The solution to that is to have both portals as children of the same parent object, so they can be moved independently.


Good luck!

Hi there !!

Thank you so much for the reply.

Let me test it and will revert.

Thank you once again.