I’m trying to create a SphereComponent dynamically 2 seconds after the level is started. For that I have this following code:
void ACollidingPawnSpawnPawns::DelayedFunction() {
// The first parameter 'SphereComponent' is the main component in the level and it has been created using the CreateDefaultSubobject method in the constructor of this class. But that method can't be used outside the constructor.
USphereComponent *dynamicallyCreatedSphere = NewObject<USphereComponent>(SphereComponent, USphereComponent::StaticClass());
dynamicallyCreatedSphere ->InitSphereRadius(30.0f);
dynamicallyCreatedSphere ->SetCollisionProfileName(TEXT("Pawn"));
dynamicallyCreatedSphere ->SetRelativeLocation(FVector(155.0f, 165.0f, 45.0f));
dynamicallyCreatedSphere ->SetVisibility(true);
After I run the level I don’t see this dynamic sphere pop up.
For the main ‘SphereComponent’ that does show up this code is in the constructor:
// Our root component will be a sphere that reacts to physics
SphereComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject<USphereComponent>(TEXT("RootComponent"));
RootComponent = SphereComponent;
// Create and position a mesh component so we can see where our sphere is
UStaticMeshComponent* SphereVisual = CreateDefaultSubobject<UStaticMeshComponent>(TEXT("VisualRepresentation"));
static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UStaticMesh> SphereVisualAsset(TEXT("/Game/StarterContent/Shapes/Shape_Sphere.Shape_Sphere"));
if (SphereVisualAsset.Succeeded())
SphereVisual->SetRelativeLocation(FVector(0.0f, 0.0f, -40.0f));
But again I can’t use the CreateDefaultSubobject
to create the UStaticMeshComponent
outside the constructor.
So I imagine for me to see my dynamicallyCreatedSphere
in my level I would have to create a UStaticMeshComponent
and I would need some variation of the FObjectFinder
method to invoke (this FObjectFinder
also doesn’t work outside the constructor).
I’ve been stuck on this for a while now. Anyone know how to do this?