How to create a small pause after an attack hits in Blueprint?

I’m trying to implement a very short pause after a hit occurs, using Blueprints. The character does a three phase melee attack, and on the last hit, if you hit an enemy, I want there to be a tiny pause for 0.1 seconds. I tried using Set Game Paused, but that seems to pause the Delay node, while using Set Global Time Dilation also slows down the delay node. See below for what I tried to implement:

With this, the 1.0f second delay should be unaffected by the time dilation (which you could change to 0.1f). In this example, I’m using “CustomTimeDilation” (which only affects the actor).

This one still causes the timer to slow down when using the Global Time Dilation node

Im guessing you want to slow down or pause the game for a second when your character is hit? If so then you need to do a Hit on Break and off the hit Set it an then connect the Global Dilation

I’ve found out the way to do this is to use a Timeline node, because inside you can set it to “Ignore Time Dilation”



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