How to create a simple timeline inside a macro?

I need to feed a lerp that is inside a function and to do this, I thought about creating a custom timeline inside a simple macro to perform this action.

You still can’t put the macro in the function unfortunately.

You can use a timeline, and call your function from the timeline, though.

Is there no way to feed a progress bar smoothly within a function? With animations? Time range? Anything?

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It’s because functions are supposed to not be ‘temporal’, ie, they are time independent. Technically, they are also not mean for updates, but that’s ok in UE.

So, if you want to ‘do something’ then you need a custom event, and if you want to ‘compute and return a value’, then functions are the way :slight_smile:

You may be suffering from youtube tutorial misinformation. It’s very common to see people on there using functions where they should be using custom events.