I am trying to understand a couple of things about making huge worlds in UE5.
I created a landscape in my level and decided that it is too small. I opened up another level, and in the landscape editor, I maxed out every setting that affected the landscape’s size. It seems it’s taking a lot of resources to create it, and edit it. My RAM was at 100%.
I am trying to make a huge world. There won’t be a lot of stuff in there, like foliage or other meshes.
How do I bypass the limits of the editor when creating a huge landscape?
What settings should I use to reduce performance cost?
Do I need world partition enabled?
Is generating chunks of landscape at runtime possible? And if so, is it expensive to do so performance wise?
Currently, I have simple landscape with a material and some noise that dictates the height. If I try to simply add a square to the landscape, the whole world goes flat.
I am trying to create a seemingly endless world. How can I achieve this?