How to create a randomized note pickup array that doesn't repeat?

I’m trying to mimic this tutorial: Limitless Notes, Story Cards, and Flash Cards in Unreal Engine 5 (from one Blueprint) (

But when I copy that guy’s strategy for randomized note pickups, my array keeps showing the same image instead of switching between the 2 images I have in the array whenever I interact with the note collectible BP actors. What am I missing?

I don’t know what your setup is (or that I fully understand what you mean; a little obscure), but whatever code you use to call the visual, just add a CUSTOM EVENT to it that plays the sound.

Let me rephrase: I wanted to do this. I found a video that does it. Limitless Notes, Story Cards, and Flash Cards in Unreal Engine 5 (from one Blueprint) (

However–I’m running into an issue. When I do what the guy did in the video, my array refuses to cycle through images–meaning every interaction summons the same image, even though I have two images loaded in the array. Might you know why that’s happening?

That is FAR too much video to look through.

Timestamps with annotations to save time, please.

The more thorough you are with your issue, the easier it is to figure it out together.

I’ll just say 16:15 for sake of argument; the issue is, I imagine the error could be born from any one of the dozens of little things he did all throughout the video. I gave you the timestamp of his final layout; hopefully that helps (but again, he does too much in the video to timestamp every possible error point)

EDIT: I solved it. The video is fine, as expected. I just mislabeled the integer so I wasn’t able to find it in the actor details to set the value to show different cards.

Okay, I don’t see anything referring to an array there.

But this is a way to randomize outputs of array indices:

Also, “I appreciate you time” goes far here. Good luck.

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