Hey guys im trying to create a mini map (like in the game hitman for example) for an architectural walkthrough. Does anybody know how i could go on to achieve this? i am aiming for the mini map to be visible during gameplay in the top right part of the screen and i want to try to make it look something like this http://hitmanhq.com/hitman3/walkthrough/01_asylum/images/map_02.jpg (this is from hitman the game)
The PlayerCoordinatPosition draw the current playerposition on screen( the “Project on To” draw the player vector to hud). The Draw Material show the Background Texture. My exsample works with a 512x512px texture on center the screen. For offset change the float divide values(use the same value on divide for Draw Rect).
Ulrich, I set up my blueprint as suggested in the image, and both the minimap texture and rectangle draws on my screen, but the position that it is drawing my character in relation to the minimap is off and not matched correctly to where I should be. What does the .0625 value exactly do, and how did you end up choosing that value?