I have just started to use Unreal but noticed that even practically empty scene is so heavy that it is impossible to run it on a computer with 4gb ram ( windows). I’m not saying here about editor, compiled level with one cube and unreal sample character is just not able to run smoothly on any standard laptop.
Is there a way to create a lightweight level or maybe give resolution choice for end user.
How to create a simple game which would run smoothly on any computer? Is it even possible?
Yes. Compile the game to a low-end scalability option. My bet is that when you compiled you left it all on default, which would likely set everything to “Epic” level of detail. When you change scalability in the editor, it does not affect the scalability of the compiled game.
If you look at my answer here it details how to compile the game for lower end devices by changing a config file in your engine folder.
This engine already runs well on mobile devices, so I’m sure you’ll find that the low settings will be acceptable for a laptop.
Thanks @PolytizeMeCapN , the problem is, as you pointed it out, that you will downgrade for everybody not only for lower end computers. Is there any way that the end user will choose those settings, or that the software will downgrade itself if FPS is becoming an issue?
Thanks anyway for the solution, will test this and maybe find some balance there.
I haven’t been able to find the config file that allows for that, but I’m sure if there isn’t a way to do so yet there will be one eventually anyway. This way works okay for me for now, but I’ll keep looking around. Let me know if ya find anything too!
Sure I will, Thanks for update.