Hey I created a vehicle in my game that allows you get in and out when you press E at the vehicle. And I want the vehicle to hover like a spaceship or a plane just to float up and down right and left forward and backwards do you guys have any idea how to do that?
It really depends what exactly you want to do…
Should it be a full spaceship with physics and everything? Or just a car which can vary a bit in height and get over some minor obstacles?
If you just want to add this real quick the easiest way would probably be to do one trace from the center of your car to the floor and just interpolating to the height you want to get (have a variable which you change through button inputs) while also interpolating to the same normal as the ground.
The other way around is a lot more complex and has a lot more details. You would have to specify what you want in order for me to get into that.
For that I would just use the floating pawn movement component, should be fairly easy and straight to the point to implement.