What I’m wanting to do is have a “Continue?” screen pop up with a 10 second countdown when the player lives counter is less than or equal to zero.
If the start button is pressed (and there are credits in my case), then the continue widget will vanish (and the game will un pause) and the player will respawn with a new set of lives. However, if start is not pressed in the 10 seconds, then the game over screen will show.
Here is what all I did and maybe you can tell me where I am going wrong here. I created a widget called continue, wrote the text in one block, and made a bottom text block for the timer.
In the third person character I added the widget and added to view port whenever the player’s lives counter read zero (I have another small issue with that you can read about here ) also created an Event Dispatcher that will fire in another BP when needed.
Per the advice of others on this forum and my own experiences, I decided to start using “dummy” blueprints. These are simply actor blueprints that have no mesh, yet contain code in their event graphs. The blueprints can then be dragged in and dropped in a map and thus they will execute if and when the map is ran. I made a dummy bp called “InsertCoinStartGame” I added the following code.
However, there is no countdown timer. And I’m not sure why it is not working. I’m seem to have a lot of trouble with widgets showing live number changes on screen for some reason. I have watched many tutorials, not sure why this is not working. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
But would you believe me if I told you it still is not working? lol seriously . I tried directly typing it in first, and then also reset the default to zero.
But if I can see the widget, then it must just be a problem with the variable. But then, the variable is freshly made and exist only inside THIS widget, nothing else is messing with THAT variable, and self contained timer as well. This just doesn’t make sense… Well shoot, I will mark this question as resolved because I do believe it should be working and you did try. If I do figure it out, I will bump this thread.
Angry you got it! Wow I never realized that the pause game would effect that. In hind sight it is kinda a “duh” moment lol. But…it seems when it begins it starts at 9, I never see 10, oh I think I know now…its that 2 digit thing in the two text. Thanks again Angy!