How to create a button on a mesh that will switch a light actor on or off in UE5?

I am making a UV lamp in UE 5 and I already have a model ready that I imported. I am attaching a rectangular light to it to create the light effect. What I want to do now is to be able for the player to switch the light on/off by approaching it, looking at it and pressing E/left click.

I’ve seen some other answers but they didn’t exactly help me. This should be easily done with Blueprints, right?

Do I need to make the light a component of the UV Lamp actor?

Yes, making the light a component of your lamp actor would be a good idea.

There are plenty of tutorials about interactables available. Take a look at the Unreal Content Examples or YouTube videos like this one

You will most likely end with an actor that contains your mesh and the light, some way that tells your character/controller at what actor you are looking at (line trace or collision sphere) and a method that routes your “e key pressed” event in your character to the “toggle light” method in your lamp actor.