Hi there! I want to ask… I have prepared a level fro my character. Now the quest he has to complete is pick some pick ups around a map, and then he automatically has a bomb. After creating the bomb I want to allow character to plant a bomb in a certain location, and then to make a countdown (10 seconds for example), then explode. After the explosion he is able to go to another level. Any idea?
Here is a video about how to trace objects and adding it to a inventory.(Ignore the things with the HUD)
For the Bomb use an actor Blueprint with a Trigger around your bomb static mesh. The mesh should be set to hidden. Also add a explosion particle (also hidden). When your player enters the trigger, use branches to test if he has the parts for the bomb, if he has the components, use a key you want in order to place the bomb then set the visibility of the static mesh to show. After teh bomb has been placed use a delay node to set the particle to show. ( if you want add some sound at the end) Then use the Node open Level to open the new map.
Hope that could help