Hello.I would like to make a ability system where,player could get different abilities.some abilities increase the damage of player.some abilities when gained,player will have a chance to fire extra and different type of bullet while attacking. I know it’s hard to answer in a few lines of words.but if you could point me a roughly direction would be greatly appreciated.
Actor Components. At least until you’re ready for:
Which is probably overkill.
Obvious I’m not ready for the GAS,it looks like require some C++.
what should I do with the actor component?now I know how to implement the abilities increasing damage.but the other parts I get stuck.because they’re like additional functionality.I don’t know where to put them and so…
• a Static Mesh Component is a component. Its ability is to show the mesh.
• a Floating Movement Component’s ability is letting pawns move nicely and collide smoothly.
You’re familiar with those, we add components to actors, and they modify their behaviour.
Make a Fireball Actor Component. Script everything that has to do with fireballs inside. Stats, upgrades, sounds, projectile spawning, particles and so on.
You can give the components to actors in the editor or spawn them dynamically. They can be persistent, like the ability to spawn fireballs or temporary like a Heal Over Time component.
When an actor drinks a potion of regeration, you spawn a HoT comp on that actor. That comp heals its owner and then self destructs once it expires.
Components support inheritance, so you’d make a base class comp, extend it to a projectile class and then make specific projectile children out of that.
Thanks,this is exactly what I want.every ability is a component.when gained a ability,add a component.I just couldn’t think of this before .you’re so great.thanks.
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