How to create 4 player rpg party system (single player, like old Might and Magic games)? + animated character portraits

Hello guys!

First of all to understand completely my problem, take a look at Might and Magic 6, 7 or 8 to get the full idea, thanks.

Im new to UE, but I have a solid idea for a game that im trying to work on. Im actively watching tutorials and prototypeing everything. But, I found no solutions in any tutorials for the mechanics I wanna use in my game. So, the plan is a first person RPG with 4 players chosen by the player in the party creator during starting the game, pretty simple. You can access the characters by clicking on the face portraits you can see on the bottom of the viewport. You can select one by clicking once, or open the inventory by clicking twice.

The player controls the whole party by WASD, no separation. The characters aren’t visible during the game. I can setup a basic player controller, but how to do 3 more characters and controlled by my main controller settings? So basically for example: left mouse button is for attack, if the player clicks on an enemy. The selected character attacks, then the next, and next. Depends on the cooldown of the specific character. If cooldown is down, then it can’t attack, so another character should attack instead. In a nutshell.

Second question about the portraits: If possible, i wanna have animated portraits. Not rendered from the game, but have a face mesh with several animations. Question is: Is this even possible, to have a face mesh animated and connected to the characters? And also, if something happens like they die, or get hurt, having blood particles on them? Also they would react to several things like entering a dungeon, and tell some goofy lines.

If anyone can help me find a solution for these, i’d be more than happy and grateful. That would be fairly enough to start producing the game, and expanding the mechanics with skills, and others. Thanks for any replies, I hope its not a problem that I asked these.

There one thing to keep in mind while making games:
you make games for fun, so don’t be afraid of “poetic license” game should be fun first then accurate if possible and if accuracy/realism is adding to gameplay.

In cases of your game all you need to do is pretend about having multiple character.

From code pov all you need is single pawn, and just pretend it is team of 4 adventurers.
All that pretending may be done in hud.

So having 4 imaginary adventurers does not mean you need to code 4 pawns for player.
Game code does not need to be structured exactly like world/gameplay is.

There is nice game just like you want on steam: Legends of Grimrock

About Portraits, it depends if you making game for mobile devices or just PC.

For PC you place character in black box (unlit material, or something like that that always is black and does not accept light). Then you scene capture with camera render to texture and display it in hud.

However if you make that for four characters and you want some decent detail, this may not work well on mobiles.

Thank you so much for the quick reply!

This will be a PC game. Yeah I know Legend of Grimrock, except this wouldnt be grid based.
May I ask you to show me how would this pretending can be achieved with blueprints?
That would be a huge amount of help, but thanks already for your advices!

Whole setup will be too much coding to show here.

However short version:

  • create single player pawn. Not character, just pawn, or maybe first person character if you want to have animated hands casting and fighting etc.
  • then create HUD/UMG
  • when you switch character switch first person hands and focus/switch portrait

thats all.

Think about your 4 party characters as different modes/classes of SAME player.
This is where you don’t need to simulate game “reality”, you just pretend there are 4 characters.

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I understand it, thank you so much! Finally someone lifted me to the solution a lot more!:v::slightly_smiling_face:

Hey Mate, did you find out how to do this?