How to create 3D text that can be updated from code?

I want to have something like a billboard showing current score (which I would update from Score Manager via Verse) but not on-screen HUD but a real object that exists somewhere on the map.

Take for example football score tables.

Apparently, score manager itself should be able to display score, but it always shows +1, so probably bugged and I need another approach.

Any ideas?

You can use Billboard Devices and in your custom device do something like this:

MyBillboard:billboard_device = billboard_device{}

MyMessage<localizes>(Value:int):message = "Your score {Value}"

OnBegin<override>()<suspends>:void =
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Awesome, that’s what I was looking for!

There is next problem that my ScoreOutputEvent is not triggering but I’ll open new topic for that.