Simply: How do I copy and paste data table entries? Is there any way to duplicate them so I don’t have to start from the default values each time? I am working with a data table created within the engine
Extra information that’s likely irrelevant:
I’m using framework I got from the marketplace that uses data tables from a struct the creator made to store information, I didn’t have anything to do with the system setup so IDK if I’m missing something important
The problem is a lot of the data entries are similiar, with only a few changes, so I’m trying to just copy and paste each entry a few times so I don’t have to re-enter from scratch each time. Also, there are enough different types of entries here that I cant’ just use the struct’s default values as a template, it’s more like there’s groups of entries that are similar to each other, but other groups are completely different.
With 4.21 and I assume older, the only way to copy/paste data rows is to export, edit in a spreadsheet program, then re-import.
Find the Data Table in your content browser.
Right click the Data Table and
select Export CSV
Store this
original file somewhere else safe
for the time being as a backup
Open a spreadsheet program such as Excel or
Google Spreadsheets
Import the CSV file into the spreadsheet
Duplicate the rows you wish to duplicate and edit the first
column text so it does not match the others in the first column
(Use a subscript _ for the spaces between words)
Save and Export the spreadsheet to a CSV file under the same name as the Data Table in Unreal
Back to Unreal, in the Content Browser toolbar, click Import
Import the CSV file and click Yes Overwrite existing Data Table