How to copy a UEFN project

OMG, I got it to work. Thanks for the help and suggestions guys.

For anyone else who wants to replicate what I came up with:

  1. Backup your original project folder to some far away place, in case things go wrong

  2. Copy your original project folder to a new one. (e.g. Copy “d:\Fortnite Projects\MyGame” to “d:\Fortnite Projects\MyGame2”).

  3. Go in the new project folder, rename “MyGame.uefnproject” to “MyGame2.uefnproject”

  4. Open “MyGame2.uefnproject” in Notepad (or another editor). At the top of the file, change “title” from “MyGame” to “MyGame2”. Scroll down to the bottom. Remove the contents of “bindings”. Like this:


Don’t change anything else. Save the file.

  1. Delete the “.urc” folder.

  2. Open UEFN and “Browse…” to the “MyGame2” project and open it.

That’s it. I tested my non-trivial project and everything appears good. Stuff such as triggers and assets and such were all hooked up and worked properly. I edited some objects and launched a session and didn’t notice any problems. I went back to my original project, to make sure nothing was cross linked, and everything appeared cool there too.

ONE CAVEAT. Lots of stuff will still have the old “MyGame” NAME in the new project references and such, because the plugins folder et al was not messed with, but IMO that works for me … I’ll live with it. Small price to pay.

Also, don’t do any of this unless you know what you are getting yourself into.

I hope Epic will be so kind as to make some features available to duplicate, rename, and delete projects soon.