I don’t quite understand the relationship among breakinput, RawSteeringInput and HandbrakeInput since they all coded in (0,1) or (-1,1). When an object is moving fast along a non-linear curve, it tends to deviate from my preset points. If I knew the relationship among those three variables, I could adjust my algorithm to prevent that from happening. Thanks.
The vehicle code takes raw inputs and filters them by logic and interpolation. This is then fed into the vehicle simulation.
As far as I can tell there is no relationship between RawSteeringInput and braking. HandBrakeInput and BrakeInput are also unrelated as one input goes to the hand brake and one goes to the regular brake
I’m not sure what you mean in the last part of your question. When you say object do you mean vehicle?
Thank you so much for the reply. The object means the vehicle. According to the dev team. If we give a specific speed and curve, how can we set the parameters(e,g, brake, acceleration, raw steering) so that the vehicle will run on the curve.