Hi, I and my friend wanna work on an Unreal project together, how can we do this? I know Unity had a feature like that, does Unreal have it too?
of course
No, not exactly like Unity’s Collaborate, but you can use Source Control.
Hi, can you expand on that? I’m completely new to Unreal
This is not an Unreal engine issue. You will have to do your own research in how to use Source Control and using it in Unreal Engine. Here are some good videos and blogs though:
https://allarsblog.com/2017/04/05/populating-perforce-with-an-unreal-engine-source-build/ https://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/RyanDarcey/20161021/283799/An_Unholy_Alliance_Unreal_Engine_GitHub__Perforce.php https://articles.assembla.com/using-perforce/getting-started/perforce-version-control-with-ue4-assembla https://wiki.unrealengine.com/Git_source_control_(Tutorial)I could probably continue on Googling, but that should be good enough for you. If not just type this into Google: “UE4 Perforce” , “UE4 Git” , “UE4 SVN” , “UE4 PlasticSCM” , “UE4 Source Control”
Good luck!
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