How to convert several meshes to ISM/HISM?

Can someone please point me in the right direction of creating an Editor Utility Widget that can convert the selected meshes to ISM/HISM?

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It’s called the editor :slight_smile:

Just select them and

Batch is the option you want.

Thank you for your reply but it’s not what I meant. I should have mentioned clearly. Apologies.

I need to create the Utility so that when I have several 100 meshes selected in the vieeport, it creates an empty actor and reads the transform info from all the selected meshes and adds ISM component inside this empty actor. So after conversion, the original meshes get deleted or hidden and we are left with only the empty actor that contains an ISM component and this single component then has several 100 instances in array. I hope it makes sense now.

This BP utility exists in a sample project given by UE but it gets broken when migrated to other projects.

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I hear you, but this is exactly what this menu does.

Yes, you could write your widget to do it, but…

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Hey man, thanks for your help.
I first tried it with default cubes but it didn’t work as expected.
I later tried it with my assets and it worked as expected.
Thanks a lot.

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