I want to rotate the player’s feet based on the normal vector of the ground, but I have no idea how to do it because there is no Rotation from X Vector in Control Rig.
Got stuck at the same question. How can I convert the normal hit in to a quat rotation inside of control rigs?
Would be helpful if someone could give an answer
You can use the hit normal vector as the target of an Aim Math node, that will give you a transform where you can get the quat, so that you can then rotate the foot accordingly.
Thank you for your answer.
So I guess the right usage would be to pass the primary and secondary axis along with the target is that correct? Also couldn’t find any documentation about this node, do you happen to know where the node is documented?
Content Example, open the Animation_ControlRig map and on 1.6 you’ll see the Sphere Trace setup.
Open CR_SphereTrace and you’ll have notes regarding the setup…not documentation, but at least is explained how it works.
You can also check Lyra Control Rig ( CR_Mannequin_FootPlant ) to see how to manage foot behaviour.
Very nice thank you, haven’t discovered the sample project before! Helps a lot!