How To Convert Mouse Position To World Location

Hi i have a issue and im struggling to find resources to help me so basically i have a world map and i want to add waypoints but my issue is i need to convert my mouse position to world location heres how ive set my characters location on the map refer to the screenshot

So i was thinking i could just do the reverse of this but i dont know how to get my mouse position relative to widget translation just imagine my mouse pointer was a widget and i was getting the render translation relative to my map widget thats basically what i need so i can multiplay and get the world location that my mouse is pointing at so basically the reverse of the screenshot Any help would be greatly apreciated


Maybe ConvertMouseLocationToWorldSpace could help?

Hi thanks for the response but that doesnt work because im trying to translate where my mouse clicked on the map into the world position of the click so eg if i clicked on a mountain it needs to give the the world location of the mountain i managed to do that with this function once again thanks for the response

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