How to convert int64 to fstring or tchar array

how to convert int64 to fstring or tchar array except using fstring::printf ?

fstring::printf is platform dependent.
and fstring::fromint is only support for int32.

I’m wondering the same thing here. FString::Printf seems to wrap it.

Any update on this question?

I finally figured it out after many crashes.

  FString returnString
 uint64 testInt = 2906622092;

//Conversion from uint64 to string!
char temp[21];
sprintf(temp, "%llu", testInt);
returnString = temp;

Hope this helps. An alternative to ‘%llu’ might be ‘PRIu64’, but I havent tested that. For some reason ‘%I64u’ didnt compile for me.

VS also will tag ‘%llu’, but it did compile.

Posting for future reference and others. You can actually use FString::Printf to do this for you:

FString::Printf(TEXT("%lld"), MyInt64);
FString::Printf(TEXT("%llu"), MyUInt64);

Just tested this and it works fine. Source: