How to convert FString to const TCHAR?

I’m trying to use:

Cast<UStaticMesh>(StaticLoadObject(UStaticMesh::StaticClass(), NULL, TEXT("StaticMesh'/Game/Environment/Floor/StaticMeshes/Hex_Water.Hex_Water'")))

and I have an array of FStrings of the file locations for all the uassets in that folder. I would like plug the FString information into the spot where it’s asking for the directory location :


But when I try to I get an error saying I cannot convert FString to const TCHAR *

I tried FText::FromString(output[0])

but it then says can’t convert from FText to TCHAR *.

Meh, I found the answer here. I needed to dereference the FString *output[0]

Here’s the post

The * operator on FStrings returns their TCHAR* data which is what FCString functions use.