How to convert a key press into a Boolean value in blueprints

Hey @Nukclearwolf220! Welcome to the forums!

You can make a boolean variable, let’s say “bFlipbook”.
Then when “S” is pressed use “Set bFlipbook” and mark it True.

Hope that helps! :slight_smile:

Hey @Nukclearwolf220 !

Did you get it figured out? Let us know if you did, and if so, it’d be great if you would post the solution for future solution seekers!
Let us know if there’s anything else we can do to help!

I have it kind of figured out but there’s issues with the solution i came up with, trying to work that out before I post anything else

this is what i have so far regarding that, but it causes the player character to get stuck in one of the idle animations when you move in more than one direction at once, or change directions too quickly, i tried to fix this with a small delay and it did virtually nothing

That’s interesting because in the “Set Flipbook” nodes, you are specifying EXACTLY which one to use. It shouldn’t even have access to any other flipbook options.

Are you using more than just “A”, like “W, S, and D”?
If you are, try temporarily disconnecting those so we can focus in! Then you can copy what you have for “A” over to the others.

So anyway, if you AREN’T using more than just “A”, it might be an issue with your flipbook, not your inputs! :slight_smile:

Its a little difficult to explain especially because unreal doesn’t let me post videos just yet, but there’s no problem with the books themselves, I just double checked them. They all loop just fine and theres no frames that are out of place, the problem is somehow the character gets stuck on an idle animation during movement, The setup i have for A is also set up for w s and d, I only put in the A segment to make the screenshot easier to read. It is an issue that only occurs when more than one direction is inputted, or if you change directions too quickly, like for example you are hold, “w” to move forward then release and quickly choose “A” or if you hold “w” and “a” to move diagonally. then release “w” it gets stuck on one of the idle animations and just kinda slides across the environment

here’s a larger screenshot, hope it helps, I cant post more than one at a time because I’m a new user.