How to convert 3DText to Static Mesh, or how enable 3DText custom render depth?

Hi, I’m creating a 3D Map UI with lots of 3DText plugin created 3D texts in a custom-made BP.
I want to create an outline effect on the 3D text, so having to enable the custom render depth option, however, there’s no such option for 3DText plugin generated object. It is not like other static mesh.

So how do I convert the 3DText to a static mesh in BP, to enable it with Set Render Custom Depth node, or how to enable such option?

I tried the get Glyph components, and with a for each loop to set render Custom Depth node, not working.



This is not working:

Any thoughts? It’s the UE offical text 3d plugin, doesn’t have any render options exposed.

I tested it out today, seems like the Glyphs mesh components returns nothing, I think it is a bug, I tried to change its c++ original file but no success in recompiling that plugin…
Did you fix it?

Hmm, the way to get these glyphs was to get them in tick instead of begin play…

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