How to control the rider and the horse at the same time?

I want to include horse riding in my game, and I found 1-2 tutorials on the net but they show only how to switch control between the horse and the human, when you get on and get of the horse. I want, when on the horse to be able to control the horse with W, A, D and S for example and to control the rider with the mouse at the same time so he can turn, aim, shoot and so on. Can anybody give me some ideas how to do that? Thanks very much!

Hi draguninio,
You could do something like this to pass the movement over to the horse. So the mouse movement would still be the same and the w,a,s,d movement would be done on the horse as long as the horse variable is valid.

Thank you very much Ikav! It works like magic, and it’s a very simple solution, because the tutorials I found are sickly complicated. Now I only have to deal with the animations. Tanks very much again!


Did you manage to add animations to the rider while on horse? I am surprised at how little information there is on linking two character animations to animate at the same time

hi dud… m same problem…did u make split character upper body and lower body and use master component on character animation? im bit confusing?