How to control pawn while in air

hi everyone I am making a battle royale game and have a spaceship which the character spawns as but it’s a pawn and I don’t know how to make it so you can fly it around and jump wen you are ready (I already have the jumping sorted) anyway I really need help as this is one of the main things in my game (as well as controlling the character while in the air which I also need help with) anyway any help is appreciated so I can continue this game anyway thanks in advance (I’m sorry that I keep saying anyway but I don’t know what to say instead lol)

This should be a comment, not answer.

I suggest you make the ship and the character 2 different pawns, start the game in the spaceship pawn, and when player wants to jump, possess the character instead. This way you can have 2 different movement logic and even different movement components with very little issue.

So does the spaceship have both a flying and a walking mode, or does it change between two different pawns, one for flying and one for walking?

that’s what I already have it’s already 2 different pawns so I need a way to control the spaceship and move it around the sky

also the spaceship is a pawn and the player character is a well a character and when the player possesses the character I need to be able to move to where I want to go while I fall (like in fortnite)


So you want to steer different directions while you fall from the sky, when you jump out of the spaceship?
Then it might be as simple as just increasing the character movement’s Air Control values in the details panel when you clicked on the CharacterMovement component in your character blueprint.

If you need to program the movement more yourself you can change the pawn movement mose to Flying, which makes it move more like Spectator mode but you can add things to it like your own gravity and movement code.

I think just changing the animation and increasing air control and maybe decreasing gravity until they land (and then put the values baxk to normal) would work well enough though.

I am guessing because i havent tried it

Reading the information above, I think what you’re trying to achieve is:

  • To be able to control a Spaceship flying around in the air
  • To be able to control a player character as it’s falling

I’ve never actually made a spaceship or any other flying component in Unreal, but my first suggestion would be to set the ‘movement mode’ on your spaceship to ‘Flying’. - you might be able to just set the default mode to flying within the movement component on the spaceship character but I forget. This will allow you to fly around the sky. You’ll need to make sure your inputs are setup to get the movement you want.

The SpaceShip character should also eject the player at some point (on a button press I assume). That this point you should spawn and posses your player character and set the Movement Mode to ‘Falling’. Whilst falling you can have some control of the player to let them change their fall angle, so just play with the settings in the movement component.

Of course, both of these just set you up with basic modes. In order to deploy parachutes, have animations etc you’ll need to work out how to set them up, as that’s something that’s probably very specific to your game.

thank you I’ll try that soon

I already know how to do animations and all that but when I tried to use the ‘air control’ inside character movement it didn’t work I have movement mode set to falling but it won’t work any ideas?

it doesn’t move much I have it at the max but it only moves like not even an inch any ideas on how to fix it?

when I tried to use the ‘air control’ inside character movement it didn’t work

What didn’t work? Were you able to move at all? Was it the player that didn’t appear to be moving or was it the camera? Did you change the falling variables to extreme values just to check (by default it doesn’t allow much movement).