By default. the Character falling movement mode allows some lateral velocity - I suggest you tweak its settings to allow for more of the input to allow movement while falling.
you can also tweak this at runtime, say, if you only wanted the extra falling movement speed to apply while using the jetpack
Take a look through the properties of the character movement component in the details panel of your character - Try changing some that sound like they’ll give you the effect you want. Then find those same properties in code and tweak them that way.
Input event pressed / released. I also recommend following Epic’s style when writing code; as an example, the “isSpaceBarDown” would be “bIsSpaceBarDown”.
Though probably rather than that; you should have something like bIsJetPackActive which is set by the spacebar input events. And you’d likely want to turn that into an enum in the long run, if the character has multiple mutually exclusive states of movement.