I’m building a plugin for Unreal and whenever I alter the plugin code I get FixDeps:
UnrealBuildTool.exe MyProj Linux Development -project=MyProj.uproject -editorrecompile -progress -noubtmakefiles -canskiplink
Performing 3 actions (4 in parallel)
[1/3] Compile Vica.cpp
[2/3] Link libUE4Editor-Vica.so
[3/3] FixDeps UE4Editor
Fixing libUE4Editor-Landscape.so
Fixing libUE4Editor-UnrealEd.so
Fixing libUE4Editor-GraphEditor.so
(other 'Fixing's)
If I don’t touch my code, UBT doesn’t involve FixDeps, since I specified -canskiplink option.
I want to control FixDeps step because, in my belief, the editor doesn’t depend on my plugin and therefore I don’t need to re-link libUE4Editor-* libs.
Could you check (by doing ldd on the affected libraries) that they don’t link against your .so? Also, does your library name appear among the ones being fixed?