How to control de camera player in a FPS to make a secuence

Hi, i’m working on a horror fps and i want to make some secuences without cutting the player pov. Something like: when the player reach some area or look at some point, remove the control from the player and move the camera and the character. How can i do that? Thanx a lot.

The “Your first hour in sequencer” tutorial on unreal learning shows that.

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Thanx! I’ll check it out!

this is the link

I investigate it and it’s not what i was looking for. I just want to take the control of the player character, make him look at some point, move him from his position and them give the control back to the player.

So you’re talking about being in the camera and then overriding the POV camera. Best to post the question in the Programming channel since what you’re describing would be done programmatically.