How to control ball from point to point along spline?


In my current setup, I have a standard FPS character and when I aim at another character actor blueprint in the world, which is simply a ball, and press E, I possess the ball and can simply move around.

I would like to move that ball along a spline depending on the keyboard keys I press. For example, from the starting point, I can only go forward. I press W and the ball automatically moves (not teleport) from point A to point B. Then at point B, the path splits in three. I can either go left(A), forward again(W), right (D), or back (S). Here’s a drawing to explain better. Also if a path has a curve, I want the ball to follow the curve, not go in a straight line from point A to B.

Hopefully I would like this character blueprint to be fully customizable, so I can just create any splines and path and it will work.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions if you need precisions!
Thanks a lot!

I think it’s a bit of a fiddle.

The player needs to be able to turn the ball from left to right, because pressing D and rolling right wouldn’t make sense, when you’re in the ball. Maybe.

Anyway, if you make splines with components at the ends which can be scanned for with a sphere trace. That might work.

When you get to the end of a spline, sphere trace for these markers and change splines accordingly.