How to control Audio Mixer in Sound Cue from Blueprints

Suppose I have a Sound Cue with a few different audio files running through a mixer:

How can I control the levels/volume of the different sound files via Blueprint? I need to be able to fade in/fade out the different sounds. When you click on the Mixer in the Sound Cue editor, you can set values for Input Volume, but I just can’t figure out how to get to these from a Blueprint!


There is a way to control all types of sounds from…I think its a master sound class/sound attenuation setting that you can assign to each sound. This would be easier if I were at my own computer haha. In the details of each sound you should be able to choose a mixer–then you can control the mixer volume from blueprints which will then alter the volume of any sounds assigned to that mixer. As far as the fade in/fade out…I’m not exactly sure what you’re trying to accomplish. Audacity is a nice free audio editor that allows you to easily add fade in/fade out effects to sounds/songs, but if you want to cut a sound off midway and have it fade out into another sound…that’s completely different.

Hope this helps!

You cannot access or modify the mixer variables in other blueprints. Doing dynamically timed fades is not done via sound cue from what I’ve seen. Instead, create multiple audio components and control each of the volume levels directly through ‘Set Volume Multiplier’ in BP. You can hook these nodes up to any kind of logic you like and you can utilize timelines to create smooth transitions.
Here’s a video showing an implementation (among other things): Audio & Blueprints | Live Training | Unreal Engine - YouTube

Hey guys, thanks for the answers.

I should have said I’m actually already doing some BP logic using Timelines to control volume of individual sound cues. It just would have been easier / cleaner in a couple of implementations I’m doing to be able to control a mixer with a certain number of inputs.

It’s a shame you can’t access certain sound cue internals in BP, but never mind. Thanks anyway!