How to control a creature ?

Hello !

Pretty new to UEFN, I’m looking to control a creature (spawned with a creature_placer_device for example)

Thing I tried to do without success :

for (Team : GetPlayspace().GetTeamCollection().GetTeams())
    for (Agent : GetPlayspace().GetTeamCollection().GetAgents[Team])
        if (FortCharacter := Agent.GetFortCharacter[])
            if (Navigatable := FortCharacter.GetNavigatable[])
                Print("Navigatable is waiting!");

It doesn’t seems the creature is a Navigatable ? Also there is now spawn event in the spawner/placer device so can’t get back a reference to the creature that’s why I’m iterating over all agents of all teams to test.

Do creature spawns count as ‘agents’ like how guards and sentries can? Epic’s Stronghold game creates an array of agents to reference the guardspawners’ agents after they get spawned